Home-made YL Listening Task – Animal Definition Game

/ A1, Exam training, Listening training, Pre-A1, Teachers, Young Learners

A quick listening activity you can prepare in 10 minutes for your YL classes to make them practise animal definition. BULLETPOINTS: Level: Pre-A1, A1 (Starters, Movers); Age: Young Learners; Group size: any; Aim: to train student’s ability to listen for keyword and identify animals or the order they are mentioned; Skill: Listening; Grammar: has got, can, to be; Vocabulary: describing animals; Length: 30 min; Preparation time: 10 min (print worksheet, think of sentences); Material: worksheet attached.


/ A2, Grammar training, Teachers, Young Learners

A quick game to have 20 minute fun-time in a Flyers lesson after having taught future forms (going to and present continuous for the future). BULLETPOINTS: Level: Flyers (A2); Age: 7-12; Group size: any; Aim: to activate previously learnt future forms; Skill: writing (tracing) and speaking; Grammar: going to and present continuous for the future; Vocabulary: birthday; Length: 30 min; Preparation time: none; Material: worksheet attached.

Very YL Vocabulary Game to Revise Winter Clothes

/ A1, Pre-A1, Teachers, Vocabulary training, Young Learners

Quick worksheet – and a really useful website for educators – to revise winter clothes vocabulary with very Young Learners. BULLETPOINTS: Level:  Pre-A1/A1; Age: small children; Group size: any; Aim: to check understanding of winter clothing vocabulary; Skill: listening and colouring; Grammar: -; Vocabulary: winter clothes; Length: 5 min; Preparation time: none; Material: worksheet attached.