Age: 14-99
ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
Type: Collaborative Speaking Task (1-page worksheet in pdf format to cut up for each pair/small group of students)
Target language: conversation about people and their assumed life-style
Description of activity: Students work in pairs or small groups. They get a list of people with some basic information about them and a set of cards with things/ideas. Each of these belongs to one person. The things/ideas are: membership/volunteer work, one object, a present idea, the perfect pet, a possible award, favourite film. The students are asked to order each card to one of the people. They are asked to justify their conclusions.
Mind: the original setting is the answer key (each column contains the solutions). Remember to cut up the second grid and mix up the cards.
Time: 30 min
Font type: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle
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