B1 Collaborative Task & WebQuest: Services



Age: 18-200
ESL level: CEFR B1
Type: matching, 2 pages in pdf format to be printed and cut up
Target language: five professions/institutions (bank, hairdresser, beautician, accountant, dentist) and their services

Description of activity:
Students work in pairs or small groups and get a set of cards (with 5 professions/institution and their services).
In a first round, they match each service to the branch (the suggested answers are organised into columns in the original chart).
After a feedback session, you can follow up with a web-quest. Ask your students to browse the net and find an important beauty salon or dentistry or bank in three metropolitans (e.g. New York, Tokyo and Dubai). Ask them to choose one branch, take notes of the prices in a pre-set currency (you can convert prices into $, £ or € as you prefer. You can also discuss eventual differences in names of the services or any other services, the difficulty to find these info (to make things easier, they can also compare one of the branches in their own country, however, they should look for the English version of the websites). Finally, you can compare where it’s the most expensive to have your teeth whitened or the cheapest to get manicures.

Time: 20 + 30 min
Font: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle, Garamond


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