BUNDLE: 5 ESL Materials For A2-B1 Students



This bundle contains 5 different materials:

  1. A2-B1 Writing Worksheet: Story prompts and connectors
    ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
    Type: story reconstruction (3 pages in pdf format)
    Target language: connectors (and, so, but, because, then, that), omitting repetitions and punctuation.
    Description of activities: Students work in pairs or small groups. They get a set of cards. They need to reconstruct at least one story using the cards (there are more stories hidden). Then, they need to improve on their stories by eliminating repeated parts (e.g. replacing nouns with personal pronouns) and finally, they need to decide about the punctuation.
    In the final feedback session, as them to read their stories to the class.
    For the writing task, you can print page 3 for each group or ask your students to write the stories into their notebooks.
    Time: 30 min
    Font: Luminari, Garamond
  2. A2-B1 Collaborative Speaking Task: What should I do?
    Age: 20-200
    ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
    Type: speaking prompts (10 situation cards to be printed and cut up), 1-page in pdf format
    Target language: should + infinitive (A2 level), had better (B1 level)
    Description of activity:
    Students work in pairs or small groups and discuss possible solutions for 10 problematic situations.
    You can follow-up with other (not too serious) problems of real life and discuss possible solutions for them.
    Time: 20 + 10 min
    Font: Garamond
  3. A2-B1 Speaking Activity: Why did Mr Brown go to these places?
    Age: 12-100
    ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
    Type: creative speaking/writing task (1 page in pdf format)
    Target language: to + infinitive for purpose
    Description of activities: Students work in pairs or small groups. They get one copy of the worksheet. They task is to make up funny / imaginative stories about Mr Brown. Mr Brown goes to different places and has different jobs. The students need to explain why he – as a criminal or a politician or a plumber – would go to the listed locations. The most creative ideas get rewarded.
    Time: 30 min
    Font: Noteworthy, Garamond
  4. A2-B1 Info-gap task: Baby Mummy language plus dates
    Age: 20-125
    ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
    Type: info-gap speaking task (3 versions/pages for Student A&B&C in pdf format)
    Target language: baby-related lexical items, asking questions in simple past and telling dates
    Description of activities: Students work in three-some groups, each of them gets one chart. They interview each other about the three babies.
    Make sure that they pronounce dates correctly.
    At the end, you can ask them to make comparisons.
    Time: 25 min
    Font: Baskerville, Garamond
  5. A2-B1 Worksheet: Which thing belongs to whom?
    Age: 14-99
    ESL level: CEFR A2-B1
    Type: Collaborative Speaking Task (1-page worksheet in pdf format to cut up for each pair/small group of students)
    Target language: conversation about people and their assumed life-style
    Description of activity: Students work in pairs or small groups. They get a list of people with some basic information about them and a set of cards with things/ideas. Each of these belongs to one person. The things/ideas are: membership/volunteer work, one object, a present idea, the perfect pet, a possible award, favourite film. The students are asked to order each card to one of the people. They are asked to justify their conclusions.
    Mind: the original setting is the answer key (each column contains the solutions). Remember to cut up the second grid and mix up the cards.
    Time: 30 min
    Font type: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle


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