This conversation task is perfect for a Halloween lesson with teens (or adults with a vivid imagination) and it’s an adaptation of the Aunty Emma conversation game described here. Students are asked to negotiate who inherits what from the rich (and now dead) witch aunt, Haunty Emma. The worksheet is suitable for ESL classes, for any cultural lessons or just as a pre-holiday fun task. The exercise requires a good knowledge of Halloween vocabulary (shed, comfy tomb, velvet, etc.) so the task works very well at higher ESL levels (B1+ and higher according to CEFR). However, if you pre-teach the necessary lexical items (or simplify the list), even A2-B1 groups will be able to negotiate at their level.
Mind: The document is part of this Halloween booklet for kids & teens.
The document is a pdf-file, using the font Comic Sans MS.
The picture used in the worksheet is free for commercial use and a courtesy of
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