In this Bundle you can find materials for two topics:
1) Is applying for future jobs really less painful?
This (online) lesson plan talks about ways to identify the ideal career for someone who is looking for their first position or wants/needs to change their job – and maybe face up to a job title which simply didn’t exist some years ago. The main part is reading a text describing real and potential future jobs, which is followed by a 2019 TEDTalk about algorithms that could enable recruiters understand people’s potentials better. The tasks expose students to a number of quizzes and ways to think about themselves, their skills and their strengths. Students need to be at B1+ level or higher to benefit from these exercises.
2) 5 Things To Consider Before Sending Out Your CV
This lesson series deals with questions around job applications, such as analyzing a CV, making a video resume, tough questions during a job interview, work environment, relationship to supervisors and finally work-life balance. It can be integrated into any course, from General English courses (minimum level: B1) to job interview preparation. The materials are based on five interactive video quizzes (with so-called popup questions), created using scenes from the the movie The Intern (2015) with Robert De Niro. There are two interactive worksheets attached (all of them editable).
You won’t find here the stages of a traditional lesson plan (Warm-up, Lead-in, Main-Part, Wind-down), because the materials presented here can be extended over more than just one lesson (even 5 x 90 minutes) and you have the freedom to choose which part to integrate into your lesson. In every stage, though, you will be provided with language work and lead-in/follow-up questions.
Mind: the videos require an independent level of English, they are not graded and some students might struggle with one or the other. However, adult students might need to face a job interview in English at an early stage in their language studies, so try to grade the questions to the level of your students. An intermediate (B1) student can express their ideas to most questions.
At the end of the five units, your students will have:
– a paper-based or video-taped CV ready in English;
– a clear idea about their strengths and weaknesses;
– a protocol what/how to answer to difficult questions in a job interview;
– a clear idea about dress code;
– a good level of preparation for different types of work environment;
– considerations about how to approach a supervisor;
– (hopefully) a determination to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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