LESSON PLAN: Absurd Reality and Artistic Vision in Selfies

/ B2, C1, Grammar training, Speaking and Conversation, Teachers

January 2021 – In this lesson plan, you can discuss selfies from an artistic and a humorous point of view. The lesson aims at B2-C1 level students and is based on a TEDTalk (available on YouTube, not on the official TED site) and a scene from a late night TV show. It gives opportunity to revise narrative tenses and/or reported speech with your students. The exercises are suitable for online lessons.

YL ONLINE LESSON PLAN – Daily routines

/ A1, Pre-A1, Teachers, Young Learners

January 2021 – Online lessons with Young Learners are challenging for many reasons: apart from problems with internet connection, tired eyes and the demotivating fact of not being really together with their peers, it also forces kids into a very passive sitting life style. You need to consider that kids are usually not really comfortable with opening different types of documents (pdf, doc, etc.) and it is also difficult for the teacher to monitor their written work (checking for spelling mistakes, for instance). In this post, I’d like to propose a lesson plan to teach daily routines to kids online,

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LESSON PLAN: Work-out & gym vocabulary

/ B1, B2, Teachers, Vocabulary training

December 2020 – This is a multi-skill lesson plan teaching and revising vocabulary linked to the topics ‘gym’ and ‘work-out’. It follows the methodology of the so-called ‘flipped classroom’. Students are expected to do some pre-lesson task and the lesson is based on this pre-study.

LESSON PLAN – Regular verbs in simple past

/ A1, A2, Grammar training, Teachers

December 2020 – This lesson plan introduces or revises regular verb forms in simple past. It’s target level is A1-A2. The exercises also revise vocabulary linked to ‘restaurants’, a lexical field students are often exposed to even at lower levels while traveling. The short video to watch is the end scene of the animated Disney/Pixar film ‘Ratatouille’. There are also materials included to practice pronunciation of the -ed ending and spelling.

LESSON PLAN – Conversation about Problems & Solutions

/ A2, B1, B2, C1, Speaking and Conversation, Teachers

This is a lesson plan for a conversation lesson about problems and possible solutions for A2+ level ESL classes. BULLETPOINTS: Topic: Problems and solutions;Level: A2+;Time: 60 min;Material: whiteboard, marker;Preparation time: none;Skill: speaking;Function: Giving advice(You should/could …, Why don’t you …, You might want to consider V-ing…, etc., depending on the level of the students);Grammar/Vocab: Modals – should, might, could, I’d suggest that you …;Group size: 4+.

LESSON PLAN: Asking for and Giving Personal Information

/ A1, A2, Speaking and Conversation, Teachers

This is a lesson plan with worksheet for A1-A2 classes who are learning or revising how to ask for and give personal information. BULLETPOINTS: Level: A1-A2 (Elementary); Age: adults; Group size: any; Aim: to practice question formations – to ask questions about personal information; – to give information about personal details; Skill: speaking; Grammar: questions, to be, have got; Vocabulary: personal details; Length: 90 min; Preparation time: 5 min (print and cut student’s worksheet); Material: student’s worksheet (one sheet per two students), whiteboard + marker.

S.O.S. Activity – Vocabulary Revision With Mind-maps

/ All levels, C1, Lesson tips, Teachers, Vocabulary training

You might end up in a situation when you need to substitute a colleague but you have no clue what the class is supposed to do in this coming lesson. Very often, you only know their level and what course book they use (if any). So, it’s essential that you have some treasures at hand before you enter the classroom. In this post, let me show you some materials for an emergency vocabulary revision activity.