Dear AI, don’t write us down so quickly. Regards, Language Teachers

/ Lesson tips, New to ELT

I might be unemployed soon, thanks to the AI, at least this is what some AI developers suggest. Some technological advancements have really revolutionised our lives, so we, language teachers had better prepare to learn programming languages soon. In the meantime, though, I’d like to argue for the necessity of language teachers. This article aims to show you some examples where the human factor outweighs numeric information, where a computer at today’s time cannot substitute a person. I’m going to talk about entry testing, the first encounter between a teacher and a student and in particular, their motivation to learn

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Back to school – back to technology… struggles

/ Lesson tips, New to ELT

This week was about welcoming students back to our online or face-to-face courses. More than half of them are pre-teens or teens, so it’s always a moment to understand how fast kids grow, how fast they change. Another ‘Aw’ moment is to realise that although students might not be involved in active English studying, their brains seem to connect concepts unconsciously. This applies also to adult students: a short break benefits their fluency and accuracy in speaking, as if the brain had played puzzle with the bits and pieces we had elaborated together – even in the absence of the

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